Part 2: Alcohol + Hormone Health with Dr. Brooke Scheller

Part 2: Alcohol + Hormone Health with Dr. Brooke Scheller



Here’s what to expect from this episode:

I’ve brought back Dr. Brooke Scheller so that we can zero in on the hormone side of alcohol consumption. This episode takes a deep dive into how alcohol impacts hormone health, shedding light on its effects on crucial sex hormones like estrogen, as well as other hormones, including cortisol. 

While our discussion primarily revolves around women's hormones, don't worry – we touch on insights for men, too. So, whether you're a woman curious about the specific hormonal effects of alcohol or a man seeking to understand its broader impact, this episode has valuable takeaways for everyone. So without further ado, let’s dive in!


Meet Dr. Brooke Scheller:

Brooke Scheller, DCN, CNS is a Doctor of Clinical Nutrition, author, and the founder of Functional Sobriety, a nutrition-based program for alcohol reduction. 

After finding freedom from alcohol in 2021, Dr. Brooke took her experience in sobriety and applied her expertise in nutrition and functional medicine to help others change their relationship with alcohol. Her approach results in improved brain health, mood, energy, focus, gut health, and hormone balance. 

Her launch of Functional Sobriety led to the development of her online community, the Functional Sobriety Network, and several online programs with members across the globe. Functional Sobriety offers the first-ever custom supplement program for the sober and sober-curious. As a motivational speaker, Dr. Brooke helps to spread the word about functional nutrition, alcohol-free wellness, and the power of sobriety.


Topics covered on alcohol and hormone health:

  • The impact of alcohol on hormone regulation in women, especially during significant life transitions and hormonal changes
  • What impact alcohol consumption has on your blood sugar, insulin, thyroid function, and hunger and satiety hormones
  • Dr. Brooke Scheller shares some of her best strategies for supporting alcohol elimination and addressing potential imbalances caused by alcohol consumption through nutrition and supplementation
  • A discussion around excessive alcohol consumption and its link to decreased sperm quality and fertility issues in men 
  • What you need to know about considering the effects of alcohol on fertility in both partners (not just in women)


Resources Mentioned:


Connect with Dr. Brooke Scheller:


Connect with Dani:


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More about Mindin’ My Wellness:

The Mindin’ My Wellness podcast is for busy, motivated and health-empowered women who are ready to kick old dieting mentalities to the curb and step into transformed health to look and FEEL their best, without sacrificing a life well-lived. Each week, your host Dani Marenburg and her guests will share top tips on all things macros, movement, mindset and everything in between. You'll learn simple, effective and sustainable tips you can take away from each episode and implement in your daily life to look and feel like the best version of you.

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