How I'd Navigate That - Holiday Eating

Part 1: How I'd Navigate That - Holiday Eating



Here’s what you can expect from this episode:

Are you excited about the holidays but dreading the holiday weight gain? Then this episode is for you. Together, we will navigate the challenges of holiday eating without ever restricting the foods you love. 

In this episode, you will learn how to prioritize enjoying holiday foods and gatherings without stressing about ruining all the progress you’ve made on your health journey. We will cover how to make mindful decisions, build healthy and delicious plates, and why guilt and shame should not be part of your holiday diet. I’m also diving into what I would not do when it comes to holiday eating. 

My ultimate goal for you leaving this episode is that you don't feel guilt around the holidays and around holiday eating. I want you to have the tools to navigate the holidays to make good decisions for you, while still enjoying all of the delicious food over the holidays within balance. 

So, if you're tired of fearing holiday feasts and want to enjoy the festivities without derailing your progress, this episode is a must-listen. Let's dive in and start filling our plates with joy and deliciousness!


Topics covered on holiday eating:

  • How to adopt a mindful approach to building your appetizer plate so you can have better control over the amount of food you are eating
  • My top recommendations for indulging in alcohol while being mindful of your caloric intake
  • Developing a main course strategy and what the focul point should be when it comes to building your main course plate
  • Practicing listening to your hunger cues for a more intuitive and satisfying eating experience
  • Why I never recommend restricting dessert and how to plan your dessert into your day using the 80/20 approach
  • Why fasting in the morning to save room for the calories you’ll consume later in the day will backfire and what you can do instead
  • Avoiding the mindset of having to make up for anything the next day


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More about Mindin’ My Wellness:

The Mindin’ My Wellness podcast is for busy, motivated and health-empowered women who are ready to kick old dieting mentalities to the curb and step into transformed health to look and FEEL their best, without sacrificing a life well-lived. Each week, your host Dani Marenburg and her guests will share top tips on all things macros, movement, mindset and everything in between. You'll learn simple, effective and sustainable tips you can take away from each episode and implement in your daily life to look and feel like the best version of you.

It's time toĀ look andĀ feel like your best self.

Say sayonara to yo-yo dieting and learn how to eat for your goals without sacrificing a life well-lived.

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