The Phases of Macro Tracking Explained

The Phases of Macro Tracking Explained




Here’s what you can expect from this episode:

Do you consider yourself a yo-yo dieter? Or do you feel its extremely hard for you to lose weight no matter how hard you try? Or maybe your somebody who has lost weight but go to extreme measures to keep it off and it just doesn’t feel sustainable? Then this episode is made for you!

Today, I'll be giving you a high-level overview of the different macro phases including the calorie deficit phase, reverse-dieitng, maintenance and the surplus cycle. I’ll be offering insights into their significance and how they interconnect to form the pillars of a balanced lifestyle. 

Because let’s be honest, with life there are crazy seasons, busy seasons and times when your nutrition isn’t going to be your top priority. So I want you to be able to understand how to eat to properly to support your body, what phase to be in to support where you are in your life so that you can yield not only physical results, but mental and internal results as well. I want you to live in a life of balance where you are enjoying foods within balance while working towards your goals and not feeling restrictive or labeling certain foods as good or bad. Let’s dive in!


Topics covered on phases of macro training:

  • What nutrition periodization is and its fundamental role in tailoring an effective and sustainable diet strategy
  • Why you shouldn’t be jumping into a deficit without considering other phases
  • What the maintenance phase is and why you should be in this phase for most of the year
  • What’s involved in a calorie deficit (“the cut”) and why you shouldn’t be spending more than 16 weeks in it
  • Why the reverse diet phase is often missed and how it leads to yo-yo dieting
  • How going into the surplus (“or the bulk”) phase can allow you to build muscle a little quicker but also where you’ll accumulate some body fat
  • How long you should be spending in a surplus 
  • How to know which phase to start in 


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More about Mindin’ My Wellness:

The Mindin’ My Wellness podcast is for busy, motivated and health-empowered women who are ready to kick old dieting mentalities to the curb and step into transformed health to look and FEEL their best, without sacrificing a life well-lived. Each week, your host Dani Marenburg and her guests will share top tips on all things macros, movement, mindset and everything in between. You'll learn simple, effective and sustainable tips you can take away from each episode and implement in your daily life to look and feel like the best version of you.

It's time to look and feel like your best self.

Say sayonara to yo-yo dieting and learn how to eat for your goals without sacrificing a life well-lived.

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